I started writing STRING TRIO arrangements many years ago with inspiration as clients and couples looking for wedding ceremony musicians began requesting more popular music selections than the standard classical music. And most potential clients could not afford a quartet.
I looked over published arrangements of popular songs for TRIO and was disappointed in what was available, the lack of fullness or rhythmic feel to the music.
My introduction to digital music notation with the advent of an app called Finale had me staying up late nights figuring out how to use it. I have updated and continue using it regularly. I totally enjoy the process of writing arrangements. Time flies as I think and listen to my efforts, and I love to keep fussing with the drafts until I am pleased with the product.
Now I have a reputation for excellent TRIO arrangements. At a concert in March 2021 an audience member listened to one of them and asked, “Who writes your String Trio arrangements?” and said how much they enjoyed listening so I thought I’d write about it.
I have a taste for all kinds of music across the spectrum and clients continue to ask for music that needs to be arranged for TRIO. My work is fun and then I get to play the arrangements with my musician colleagues! More fun!